Lucy security

Lucy Security, powered by ThriveDX, the software that enables organisations to measure and improve employee security awareness and test IT defences.

Lucy enables companies, both public and private, to take on the role of an attacker (phishing simulation) and identify gaps in technical infrastructure and security awareness and resolve them through a comprehensive e-learning programme.


Challenge, train and engage your employees with Lucy Security, a solution designed to improve cyber security awareness. Thanks to Lucy, you can:

Aumentare la consapevolezza sulla sicurezza

Raise security awareness

To promote awareness among employees about online and offline security threats.

Prevenire gli attacchi phishing

Preventing phishing attacks

To recognise and avoid phishing traps to protect both the individual and the organisation.

Migliorare la sicurezza dei dipendenti

Improving employee security

Computer security training to improve the overall security of employees and the company.

Monitorare e misurare le attività

Monitor and measure activities

Monitoring employee performance through simulated attacks and ongoing evaluations.

Personalizzare e adattare

Customise and adapt

Flexibility and adaptation of the platform to the specific needs of the organisation to ensure effective training.


Its main features

  • Simulazione di phishing

    Phishing simulation

  • Formazione interattiva

    Interactive training

  • Protezione dei dati

    Data Protection

  • Integrazione all’infrastruttura aziendale

    Integration into the corporate infrastructure

  • Installazione facile

    Easy Installation

For more information
download brochure

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