Maily PEC

Maily PEC is an Artificial Intelligence based system that assists staff in the management of Certified Electronic Mail: from sorting, to taking in charge to sending to the correct recipient.

If not managed properly, PECs can result in information loss, inefficiencies and delays that affect the business, leading to financial burdens, legal and image damage. Maily PEC, the PEC management platform will help you centralise all your communications in a single environment.


Maily PEC is a solution that enables your organisation to make PEC management more fluid, shared and secure. Maily PEC will guarantee you:

Risparmiare tempo utile

Save time

Maily frees your operator from repetitive tasks by automating the PEC e-mail management process.

Ridurre il rischio di errore

Reduce the risk
of error

Maily is able to categorise PECs according to previously established reliability thresholds.

Ridurre i costi

Reduce costs

Maily reduces costs by automating PEC management.

Smistamento automatico delle PEC

Automatic PEC sorting

Maily is able to automatically sort incoming PECs through syntax recognition or intent detection (AI).

Monitorare e misurare le attività

Monitor and measure activities

Maily records each process, generating up-to-date reports summarising the evolution of the different platform activities.

Main features

Its features include

  • Protezione dei dati

    Data protection

  • Integrazione con l’infrastruttura aziendale

    Integration with corporate infrastructure

  • Scalabilità e semplicità

    Scalability and simplicity

  • Efficienza dei processi

    Process Efficiency

  • Installazione facile

    Easy Installation

For more information
download brochure

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